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Smarter Every Year : 366 Random Facts

Facts, Trivia, & General Knowledge

Smarter Every Year: Text
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The fifth book in the ‘Smarty Pants Series’, ‘Smarter Every Year–366 Random Facts’ contains a fact for every day of the year – even if it is a leap year!
Each day is a gift and an opportunity to learn something new. This book offers the reader snippets of information as we travel together to the moon and back. We will also examine unusual items left at airports, have a quick glance at the dark side of life, discover what a forensic entomologist does at a crime scene, and take a ride on the world’s fastest roller coaster.
•What germs are lurking at the gym?
•Does the future king really take a leather toilet seat with him on his travels?
•What are the effects men experience when they suffer from Couvade syndrome?
•What are Jelly Babies telling us?
•Are there really poisonous plants growing in our gardens?
•What is the embalming process?
•What is Chessboxing?
•Why did Mickey Mouse attempt suicide?
•Why does toast smell so good?
‘Smarter Every Year–366 Random Facts’ is informative, educational, and sometimes thought-provoking - every day has a lesson for those that are passionately curious!

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Smarter Every Year: Welcome
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